Sunday, January 29, 2012

Under Water - World

Today I met Laura and we went to an under water world. It was fun and the fishes swam all around our heads^^ We also saw a tortoise who was a sports mad:D

After a while we went to the habour and then to the beach. There we were walking to Mooloolaba and had a cold drink at another surfer club:) We had a nice view over the whole ocean:) After our tour we went home to eat some choclate-cake from her birthday which was yesterday (Happy purzeltag/birthday again:D)


  1. Is the long neck of the turtoise real, or did you pull the head out of it? :-D

  2. Hoi Kat, schön hier mit zu lesen und schön dass es Dir gut geht. Hast Du das Nutella schon bestellt? Lieber Gruss Dede

  3. Ahoi!:D No i didn't but i got another one;) I'm happy that you like my blog:) & Pa, No!:D That was real!:D

  4. Hallo Du Liebe,ich freue mich schon auf deinen nächsten Eintrag.Dein Luftsprung am Meer wirkt so leicht und unbeschwert!Genieße den Sommer!

  5. Hallo :) ich hab echt Träne in den Augen wenn ich dich so glücklich sehe :) lass es dir einfach nur gutgehen <3 Hannah ganz dicker Kuss auch von meiner Ma :D
