Friday, February 3, 2012

For Anne :*

Dear Anne,

Today i had my first ... guess what it was!:D It was a.... tätärätäää... SURF LESSON!:) YES!:) It was sooo gorgeous!:) And i catched some nice waves, yeayy:)) *proud smile*  hm...:)  but it was very hard to walk through the water... because there were so many little waves and the water was very strong... but next time it will be easier, that's for sure;D I would really like to do it with you!:)

Looking forward to surf once together!:)

Love, Kad*

After we had a barbie:) and I played soccer and beat an Aussie!:D Muahaha:D (I'm sooo sorry Pearce^^) And Niko, I got it! I won! against 3! :D  Now I've an "over night stay" or just sleepover with one of my international friends, Silja:) And she told me that I'm a "Marienkäfer"... ^^ well it's a longer story;D:D

Pictures of surfing are coming soon;)

*Kad= Mix of Kada+Kat ^^ :D

1 comment:

  1. Wo sind die Bilder? ich wünsche dir gute Besserung, Küsse Mama
