3. 24/02/2012

I forgot to add all my informations^^ so, for traveling around u can catch the bus;) There are different lines, like in Germany;) But here you cannot buy a "Monatskarte" (monthcard?!) it's better to buy a "go-card" there u get cheeper prices for every way you wanna go by bus. I bought one ...but already some time ago;D And it's really the esiest way to go by bus, by the way I've never had a "Monatskarte" in Germany^^
I can also use the bike that's for sure:) ...but if it's very hot it's more comfortable to go by bus or to have somebody who is able to drop you off and pick you up ;D:D [ Thank's Paddy&Gef(: ]
2. 20/01/2012

Today I got some information about the beaches! There are 9 beaches in Caloundra; Bulcock Beach, Currimundi Beach, Golden Beach, Kawana Beach, Kings Beach, Moffat Beach, Shelly Beach, Wurtulla Beach and Dicky Beach which is just around the corner, 5-7 minutes with the bike:) There you can swim, surf or just hanging out with friends ;)
All 9 beaches in Caloundra
1. 03/01/2012
Lot's of friends asked me where I'm going to be for a half year. That's Caloundra! It's the southern most village on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. It's localated one hour of Brisbane which is in the south. In the east is the ocean and... well. Look at the Links, there you will find more informations;)
General information about Caloundra
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