Today we prepared the engagementparty for Dan and Chels :) We cleaned the house, made luftballons, lampingiongs, cleaned the pool, made the drinks cold, took chairs outside and stuff:) Guess it will be good tonight:) I hope it for them:) So we have half an hour now before it starts and well... I'll tell you tomorrow how it was:) Or maybe on Wednesday because tomorrow, early in the morning I'm going to gold coast:) So I've to tell you a lot in the next few days;) I already did some pictures of our nice decoration and the luftaballoons:) Well, I've to get ready now... see ya soon(:

I always loved traveling and exploring other countries, so I already did lot's of little and big trips. Now I'm in Australia! I am here for half a year for living my dreams:) I think this time is one of the greatest experience in my life and I hope you like the idea to inform you about my time in Australia in a blog and maybe you are interested and follow me. I would be happy about it;) Whatever- enjoy!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Oh hell^^
It's horrible... I was so afraid to write here again... not because i don't like it but there are so many things which happen at the moment:) Hm... I just don't know where to start... first I hve to say: Today is the last day of the first semester O.o And some of the internationals are already going home... Maxie(9months) and Laura(3months), we had a farewell yesterday that was pretty funny:D and today we had to say goodbye while celebrating a birthday of a friend who has birthday next week^^ Wahhh... this all reminds me that I have to go home once two... Oh my Gosh! I really can't believe it:// I don't want to! :(( I'm in the best familly I could ever wish:) My friends are wonderful and I just know that I really really REALLY don't want to go home in 3 month:/ Hm... Then wuhaaa Yesterday I saw my first Kangoroos for this time:)) I was skateboarding and surfing:) I just love it:) And for sure boxing:) that's why I had a saw belly for two days:D Then I really want to show you my best songs... why does australians have such a good music style?! Argh:/ I also had a sleepover with friends, was at the beach and stuff happened:)) Good one and bad one... I had to cancel my goldcoast plans for my holidays, because my friends brother will also have a friend there at this time so it's not working:/ Anyways... one day after one of my best friends asked me to come to the goldcoast to the theme parks:D Yeah, sure but then I always have to fill out this annoying forms... also for the sleepovers but argh... sometimmes i'm just not doing it... it's annoying, if everybody's happy, why should we fill out forms?! Whatever It's just perfect...:) Well... Yeah yesterday I was skateboarding and i just fell down and thought I broke my hand... Oh hell it still hurts so much, but I was at the doctor today and I had a x-ray and thanl god, it's not a fraction!:) Hm.. but it was pretty annoying I was at the doctor while my aussies were sitting one house next at macces:/ Then I did my english presentation... I wanted to dance or sing but finally I had no time, sorry Sarah ;D:D Then yesterday I bought a normal ice for 4 dollars?! Are you kidding me? I guess I'll buy everything when I'm back at germany, because itÄ's just so cheap :D haha... well tomorrow we have a party and now I feel a little bit clearer in my head:D I should write more often again:)) Maybe there will be less againover the holidays, because typing in letters is lost time ;) and i have to say it really hurts with my hand:D but after the holidays for term two i will write again... I also try on the holidays, just for you all:)) There a re so many things I wanna say but it's just too much:D <3
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Just flooded
We had really bad floods and I had the silly german idea to lift some water out of the pool... 15cm took me a half hour^^ well I was pretty much at the end on this vid:D But what you can't really see... it was raining like every water on earth is comming down^^ We had to dry the garage and we couldn't go anywhere anymore, just flooded ;)
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Free like a bird
Friday: school, lunch, surfing- CARLAs!:) We were playing Mario Kart on the WII and it was actually pretty strange because i've never played it before :D:D We also added the higher level to play it turned over and it was just crap, we just laughed the whole time :D:D For dessert after dinner we had frozen muffins! Whoaaa they are the best *__* and after them Carlas dad said he'll go to get some McFlurry's from McDonalds, that's the reason why this weekend I had the firt McFlurryDoubleChocFudge with 1960 kJ in my life! :D And we watched Nemo!
Just keep swwiiimming swiimming swiimming, I'm freakin' love Dori!:D She's so smart and at the same time so lost! :D And oh hell it's so hard to understand the whale!:D And oh my freaking god! The turtles have an australian accent!! best ever!:D Anyways, we went to bed and slept long:) After breakfast we did some nice bracelets and earings with pearls from Brazil:) But the best, her bird! It's so cute, he's sitting on your shoulder and watching you or walking arround on your back side or heat. You can just give him your finger and hes jumping on it:)) And whenever he has a mirror he starts talking to hisself, such a cutiee :D:D
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Have you ever heard of a RIP?? It's in the sea and when you get into it, it's a strom who pushes you out into the oean... (wikipedia says: A rip current, commonly referred to by the misnomer rip tide or simply a rip, is a strong channel of water flowing seaward from near the shore, typically through the surf line.Typical flow is at 0.5 metres per second (1–2 feet per second), and can be as fast as 2.5 metres per second (8 feet per second). They can move to different locations on a beach break, up to tens of metres (a few hundred feet) a day. They can occur at any beach with breaking waves, including the world's oceans, seas, and large lakes) anyways... I was surfing today and the waves were very high. One of my friends went into a Rif and I wanted to tell him it's a riff and he really needs to get out there and stuff and well.. at the end we were both in it... it tooked a while until we were at the beach again^^ very embrassing:D:D but now I have a new experiance again:D Well... After we went out we didn't really wanted to go in anymore:D:D so we just did a lot of nice surfer pictures;D haha i love them:)
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Bundaberg :)
5 birds ^^ |
This weekend we were in Bundaberg which is 3 hours north from Caloundra. There we visited Kirra, Archie, Nick and Nathan, my australian family. It was a really nice weekend... on saturday morning at 8, Nathan, Kirra and me went for a early-morning-surf :D (Well... Nathan already was there 2 hours earlier^^) after a while the others came too, so everybody was in and around the water:) in the evening we had sea food(Nathan=Best Seafood chef!), but for this we had to go shopping, Kirra and me didn't we went to the Rocks for watching the waterholes:) But the rocks were very hot and burned our feeds:/ Anyways, we found some nice shells:D:D I was also jumping on a trampolin with Kirra, Archie and Micheal... I haven't done this for ages! But it's soo much fun:D:D and Archie got his birthday presents:) and he was allowed to open them, also if his birthday is next weekend;) and we had lot's of fun with our wonderful beards:D:D In the evening there were 5 birds just sitting on the electricity line and doing nothing , they were still there when we came back from our illegal excursion to watch little turtles*__* We were climbing over a fence and walking down the beach and WUSCH! There were two rangers who asked us what we were doing here and if we didn't see the locked door. well, we just said we climbed over it but didn't read the sign... whyyy? :D Then they tried to explain us that there are little turtles and we're shocking them, and shouldn't hunt them... blablab basicly they just wanted us to pay money for watching them, but anyways we haven't seen them:( The next morning we went for a surf again, after Ash told me that she did a lot of nice photos... the problem was that it was still in night modus so everything was just white on the photos whe did^^ We wen't in town for breakfast, had some cake and a milkshake... after we tried to make bubbles, but it didn't really worked:/ ...then we went home.
Kirra and me :) |
Archie and his presents |
Turtle hunting WAAhh :D:D |
the beard clan |
Friday, March 9, 2012
La-lalala-lalala and everybody's singing now! Lalala-lalala :D This song was stearing in my head for the whole time:D While school in IT+Design, Lunch, while eating muffins, while checkig with Ben, while surfing, while barbie and while driving to Bunderberg for visiting my Australien family... I dunno:D The whole time it was just like la-lalala...:D:D If it means a lot to you and it"s from a day to remember ;) I"ll remember all days here:)) They are the best days of my life!(:
P.S. I decided not to post somethng everyday anymore, because I'm just living my life and love it and I also think that you don't demand that I'm posting something everyday, but you can be sure that I will tell you important and nice things;) Love you guys:*
P.S. I decided not to post somethng everyday anymore, because I'm just living my life and love it and I also think that you don't demand that I'm posting something everyday, but you can be sure that I will tell you important and nice things;) Love you guys:*
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Nice day, nice life:) Well... I had school, and took the bus home:D I hada long sleep went boxing and baem! finish, goodnight:D But before I went to sleep I had an amazng little cookie! It was a NICE-Cookie:)) \It smelled like a normal cookie, but it was acutally a really nice unnormal cookie:D Because it wasn't just nice it was nice x2 :D Well... it tasted like i dunno:D Just yum:D I really need to take them to school tomorrow ;D:D
Monday, March 5, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012
Surfboard! :)
This morning we slept very long, than we had a Nutella-Toast and went to the beach for a surf. Silja toook the board from her parents and Hannes and me used our new surfboards. The waves weren't that good but it was pretty funny!:) Silja, Hannes and me as the beginners and then the guy who selled Hannes and me the surfboards as surf-master^^ He told us which waves are good to cath and which aren't good and stuff:D He also told us that his biggest wave was somthing about 8feet which I think is quite big!O.o Well.. We just catched waves about 1-2 feet^^ But I got it to stand up serval times!:)) Then it started to rain and we had to went out, were payed him for the boards and now.... I'VE MY OWN SURFBOARD!:D:D WAHH! I'm so freaking excited!:) This will be such a good thing to do the next months... surfing!:):)
So I already told you my morning, so here we go with the afternoon:
My plan: Kite-Surfing
What really happened: It was to less wind so the Kite-Surfing was canceled. Instead of this Hannes and me went to a friend of my dad to have a look at some surfboards. We were able to try them in the ocean, which was pretty hard because the waves weren't that good and the board is very small and short now... so shall I really buy it?? In the evening we went to Hannes hous to have a barbie, also with Silja and after she had a sleepover:D:D
My plan: Kite-Surfing
What really happened: It was to less wind so the Kite-Surfing was canceled. Instead of this Hannes and me went to a friend of my dad to have a look at some surfboards. We were able to try them in the ocean, which was pretty hard because the waves weren't that good and the board is very small and short now... so shall I really buy it?? In the evening we went to Hannes hous to have a barbie, also with Silja and after she had a sleepover:D:D
Saturday, March 3, 2012
thurs..FRI...satur -DAY
I recognised that I forgott to tell you about the "Crispy-Creme-Doughnuts" from two days ago:D We could buy them in school and they were so good!:D oh my godness!:D:D haha ... Yesterday I had surfing lessons and I really catched a lot of waves:) I thought about buying my own surfboard but they are all so expensive! Maybe I can find a secondhand one:) In the evening some friends and me were at Adams place. First we went to youth. It's something from church but in an old factory and like a concert and just a chill with friends. It was pretty cool because I met hell nice people:) Have to go there again;) And then we had a sleepover at the house. It was pretty funny, I had a wonderful persent: Nutella:) (was empty at the end of the day:D:D) Then I tried to play COD and the boys screamed because I was so ba... good!;D We had a swim in the pool and this morning Adam maked us some really nice bacon-egg-sandwiches:D bacon*__* :D:D
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Crazy school
School was crazy today, our maths teacher was away and nobody did anything:D:D We painted our hairs with blue, yellow, green and red highlighters and did crazy photos... but not maths^^ the bad thing... we had to do it all for homework, but that was ok, because I had a FLEXI in the last hour and could go home for doing my assignments and stuff but unfotu forgott my keys :D:D (Yes, ma;P I know what you are thinking about :D:D) So I had 4 hours time to do my whole maths stuff... well I was finish much more earlier^^ In the evening I was boxing and after I did my assignment:)
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