Friday: school, lunch, surfing- CARLAs!:) We were playing Mario Kart on the WII and it was actually pretty strange because i've never played it before :D:D We also added the higher level to play it turned over and it was just crap, we just laughed the whole time :D:D For dessert after dinner we had frozen muffins! Whoaaa they are the best *__* and after them Carlas dad said he'll go to get some McFlurry's from McDonalds, that's the reason why this weekend I had the firt McFlurryDoubleChocFudge with 1960 kJ in my life! :D And we watched Nemo!
Just keep swwiiimming swiimming swiimming, I'm freakin' love Dori!:D She's so smart and at the same time so lost! :D And oh hell it's so hard to understand the whale!:D And oh my freaking god! The turtles have an australian accent!! best ever!:D Anyways, we went to bed and slept long:) After breakfast we did some nice bracelets and earings with pearls from Brazil:) But the best, her bird! It's so cute, he's sitting on your shoulder and watching you or walking arround on your back side or heat. You can just give him your finger and hes jumping on it:)) And whenever he has a mirror he starts talking to hisself, such a cutiee :D:D

I went home about 3 for arranging my room, because silja was staying over at night. Hm... well as she came it just strated to rain, so we went out, were dancing and running in the rain and did some gorgeous photos! :D
At sunday it was still raining so we met with kadda at sunshine plaza, but we lost her so she went home:/ (We had no phones, my battery runned off and siljas cretit was empty. Damn.) in the evening I had to studie for my marine and food+hospitality exam and yeah... that was my wonderful weekend^^
Sorry, I am unable to read the black writing on black or dark background :-(
ReplyDeleteOh! I didn't see that, sorry:)
DeleteHope it's better now;)
hey, cat :D
ReplyDeletewhazzup to u?
everytime I´m looking at your blog and can´t find ANYTHING NEW I´m such disappointed...
Just wanna hear some new stuff from you!
Jacqueline :**
Yeah I'll start tio write more again, but life is so nice, i just dont wanna sit infront of my computer, but i've a lot of news and they'll come soon so be happy;):))