Australians count their seasons exactlywith the months. That's why today is the last day of summer. On my last summerday in Australia I had a nice choclate drink for lunch and then I went straight to kings beach. On the way down there I meet some friends, but they went to a spa. I went to the beach and met Hannes there:)
Now I'm laying in my bed, thinking about this wonderful summertime:)) ... but I'm already afraid of the coldness and my shivering by 25°C :D:D I just wanted some of you getting some summergreatings from me, so some specials will get a nice letter from this evening, so I've still a lot of work to do ;)

I always loved traveling and exploring other countries, so I already did lot's of little and big trips. Now I'm in Australia! I am here for half a year for living my dreams:) I think this time is one of the greatest experience in my life and I hope you like the idea to inform you about my time in Australia in a blog and maybe you are interested and follow me. I would be happy about it;) Whatever- enjoy!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
In school I did pasta baked:) It was wonderful after I wanted to go to the vocal group for seeing if I wanna join in, but ... no:D I'll try the dance group tomorrow:D:D haha... well... then I went home and after an hour I went boxing:) was really fun today and I think now i'm really accepted^^
BUT the best thing today was definitely that I learned how to say the word comfortable, it's just cumf-tabul :D -thank's Adam;D
BUT the best thing today was definitely that I learned how to say the word comfortable, it's just cumf-tabul :D -thank's Adam;D
Monday, February 27, 2012
Milo (:
Yesterday I recognised that I dodn't tell u what MILO is yet. Well... it's simpily the best!:)
it's with barley, cacao, sugar,... so it swims at the top of the milk, and you can spoon it up or just drink it :)
Well I'm just bad in discribing it... maybe someone hwo know it too can help me? would be nice;D I just know that I laaaarve it! <3 Hey milo, hey milo! :))
it's with barley, cacao, sugar,... so it swims at the top of the milk, and you can spoon it up or just drink it :)
Well I'm just bad in discribing it... maybe someone hwo know it too can help me? would be nice;D I just know that I laaaarve it! <3 Hey milo, hey milo! :))
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Normal sunday
Because of the sleepover and the long night we haven't done much today:D We arranged newspapers with Siljas whole family.. I think about 300 or sth. like this but it was just fun:D everybody wanted to be the quickest and haha:D Just good!:) and of course we had milo:) in the afternoon I went home and we built a new rain water downpipe because of all these rain in the last few days^^ then Carla came for doing our english assignment on history:) We have to do something about the WW1, researching a soldier and reasons for the war and stuff like this;) For dinner we had sandwiches:)) ...All at once it was just a normal sunday:)
Excuse me? Can u tell me where the movies are?
- Just three blocks up the road:)
Really? Oh thanks!:)
... walkin' up the whole street again'
so I finally found the movies after searching half an hour and beeing close to miss the film^^ We were watching "One for the Dollar", it's really a good film:) And I never was at the movies in the morning, that was a new experience :D:D
After the movies I went to Silja, we just were lazy and in the evening we watched 3 movies with Pearc :D
We watched "RUDY" , "Tomorrow after the war" and "Karate Kid" but the old version;) So I really had a movie-day today;D:D The best: it were just good once:) So I was awake until 3am:D:D
- Just three blocks up the road:)
Really? Oh thanks!:)
... walkin' up the whole street again'
so I finally found the movies after searching half an hour and beeing close to miss the film^^ We were watching "One for the Dollar", it's really a good film:) And I never was at the movies in the morning, that was a new experience :D:D
After the movies I went to Silja, we just were lazy and in the evening we watched 3 movies with Pearc :D
We watched "RUDY" , "Tomorrow after the war" and "Karate Kid" but the old version;) So I really had a movie-day today;D:D The best: it were just good once:) So I was awake until 3am:D:D
Friday, February 24, 2012
Surfing in the rain
I'm siinging in the rain... I'm singing in the rain... hold on! I'm suurfing in the rain! I'm surfing in the raaain!;) Horrible weather! It's just raining the whole time! That's the reason for my surfing in the rain today:) It was soo funny!:D haha But I don't have a nice picture of me while I'm "really" surfing, but I'll show u the other snapshots;) So we got a wetsuit today and my board was much more little than last time, so it was harder to surf, but finally I got it ;):) ... and love it! (:
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Nursey child
Haha:D we were swimming today. Again. In Marine Studies, this time it was with clothes, but I forgot my shoes so at the end I had to swim with my schooluniform clothes, hopefully they are dry tomorrow^^ Well then I had to run back for getting the bus, but I missed it^^ Well because I was barefooted I was running through the rain and jumped into a puddle -> nursey child :D:D And I couldn't get one song out of my head! It's so annoying! :D It's called Stereo Hearts from Gym Class Heroes.. I really like it but... it's always in my head! ^^ ... Make me your radio and turn me up when u feel low ;) So I was singing this song and dancing around without shoes... :D:D
Do u have a map?
Because I'm lost in ur eyes!
- :D :D
Do u have a map?
Because I'm lost in ur eyes!
- :D :D
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Just eating
School was borring today... After roll mark I had a free period, then English where I didn't do anything, because the teacher didn't told me what I should do (The others had to complete their assignment, but I already did that) and in History we just had to figer out some research questions... than I was at stockies with Chloe and Sarah, and we found a wonderful entertaining thing for Chloe, but I don't know how to describe it :D:D Did I tell u about the Donuts at Stockies?! I'm not sure... well they are the best Donuts ever! They are sooo good! You cannot imagine;)
Then I went home and had a banana-milchshake, probably one of the best I've ever had:) And last but not least we made home-made-pizza's:) So like everyday... I'm just eating :D:D But my weigth is the same like in Germany! Puhh^^
Then I went home and had a banana-milchshake, probably one of the best I've ever had:) And last but not least we made home-made-pizza's:) So like everyday... I'm just eating :D:D But my weigth is the same like in Germany! Puhh^^
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Amazing similarities
Well... everybody know now that I'm afraid of thounderstorms :D:D Because today we had a really big one at school... about half an hour just a lot of rain, lighning and thounder... and I think u know that I'm sooo afraid of it! :D And because of the wink-action of the schoolparade everybody is calling me cute now... and then I'm getting red... but I'm not cute, am I?! :D Well.. I also cooked Stir Fry in my food and hosibility class but I think I put to much honey in there... was a little bit to sweet ;) For my first assessment (for everybody who donesn't know what that is, have a look at wikipedia or just google it, I'm quite sure you'll find an explenation of it:D) in my englsih class which I finished today, I had to analyze a cartoon with 600 words (or more). For this I had to write an instruction, a value challange, the point of view of the author, the impact to different readers and of course a personal respose and a conclusion. I think althrough it is on english it isn't that bad, so I thank you teacher's in Germany for the training!:) Here's the cartoon I choosed:

It's also an amazing similaritie how much I love boxing in comparing with dancing:D so was boxing today and now I'm a memeber of it :) I just love it, it's so much fun!:) In germany I never thought about join into a boxing groupe, but I loooooorve it!:))

It's also an amazing similaritie how much I love boxing in comparing with dancing:D so was boxing today and now I'm a memeber of it :) I just love it, it's so much fun!:) In germany I never thought about join into a boxing groupe, but I loooooorve it!:))
Monday, February 20, 2012
Endless Summer :)
Sunday, February 19, 2012
10 Choc Choated Ice Creams

Saturday, February 18, 2012
Wedding :)
The day of the wedding was today:) We celebrated it in a house with a lot of vine yards around and a beautiful view at the seaside and at the hinterland:) The ceremony was like everybody was waiting for the bride and then Gef and Dosh, Armanii and Archie were coming up the vine hill :) Then there was the ceremony and after we had to do nice pictures and then we had to eat a lot:D:D this was the first time I ate dark-bread with cheese!:) It was just like... wow- very good:D And at the end it looked like I ate the whole bread alone, because nobody else liked it like me^^ I also wanted to play something on my violin but everybody who knows me well know that I was to shy;) But I will play stuff for them next time:) Finally it was just a perfect wedding with a perfect couple:)
Friday, February 17, 2012
Catching a wave
I was surfing today and a few seconds after the sun was coming out
behind the clouds I catched a really good wave and I surfed it till the
end with a feeling that I cannot describe:))
After that we were celebrating Micheal's 18th in the Hogs Breath Cafe, maybe you can remember that I already was there for Ashleys birthday;) and after we were in a club for having fun:D Everybody was just dancing and there was a life band and stuff like this, so it was really cool:)
After that we were celebrating Micheal's 18th in the Hogs Breath Cafe, maybe you can remember that I already was there for Ashleys birthday;) and after we were in a club for having fun:D Everybody was just dancing and there was a life band and stuff like this, so it was really cool:)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Meeting the family
The rest of the Bice-Family arrived today:) So now I know all 3 daughters of Gef;D I also was at school where I passed the Marine Studies test as the second best *very proud smile* After that I was hanging around with Silja again:D It was really funny w did some funny pictures but I won't show you them, they are to cool to show somebody:D:D and we wanted to go boxing but I took the bus home because of the family;) It's a littlebit like in Germany, just I don't really know my family yet^^ But I hope I will soon, they are a ll looking very friendly!:)
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Will my rose going to die ?!
Today I meet the couple who is having a wonderful wedding on saturday :) It's one of Gefs daughters and she and her "Man" came with their little daughter for staying here a few day before the wedding:) They are coming from (ATTENTION CARO!) Yappoon:))) :D:D So I also wa sat the doctor again and at Stockies:) Well... I also was in the pool with the little girl:) It was pretty funny:) and I changed the water of my rose because the water quality here isn't that good like in Germany, especially at my region... so the rose is quickley going to die here:/ But I think I've some other really nice roses who will never going to die.... well some day:D But not that fast:D:D :*
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012
Today was just another lazy day:D After I came home from school where I got my laptop for school(!), I just wanted to sleep^^ So I went to sleep, than for dinner and now.... I'm going to sleep again:D But I did a nice photo of our Candy-Men;) They are so amazing! You can beheading them and then there are sweeties inside :)) That's funny;D:D haha and very cute:D
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Market, Kings Beach & Bubbles
I was with Silja on the markets in Caloundra:) It's lovely! and I bought a new clock there:) It's so nice because it looks like a normal bracelet and then you see the watch :)) After we were at Kings Beach:D It was so warm and the water was so cool:) It was the first day were the waves weren't higher than you ;) And we did stuff with PUSTEFIX:)) Did u know that sea-gulls are afraid of bubbles? :D:D That's so cuuuute! :))
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Young, wild and free :)

Young, wild and free :)
Friday, February 10, 2012
Today there was a swimming carnival at school! There were 4 different houses(like in "Harry Potter"), the blue, the green, the yellow and the red house. Everybody had to wear the colour of their house, so nobody had to wear the school uniform :D I had the colour blue, so I painted my nails, weared a head and was painted with blue-zink-sunscreen :D It was a funny day! And our house were the best from the back and we also won the social price! :D:D
After we went to the beach for having surf lessons, but I didn't because I'm still not feeling that good. So I did some pictures... first they did some exercises at the land and then they went into the sea :)
I also did some photos of the best synchron-surfers ;)
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Different things
We had a "Motivational-Film" Maybe some of you are thinking: What the hell is that?! It's an film which every student at Caloundra Sate High School has to watch and it's showing with the aim that the students will look for themselves: What will I do, what should or can I do, what shouln't I do,... But nobody cares, the Australian's are the most lazy persons I've ever seen before! :D
I had Maths and somebody said: "18?! That's a big number, we shouldn't use it before we're in grade eleven!" I really has liked to say: "Oh, I'll invite you in my Maths class in Germany!:)" ...18 and a big number... haha^^
I had the swimming test in Marine Studies today, but I didn't swim, because I'm still sick. So I've the chance to do it next week and then I'll be top-fit:) But this time I've been wet, too. It was because Niko and Nick gave me some "nice" water-hugs^^
We were in the little Shopping-Center behind the school for buying something blue for the swimmingcarnival tomorrow but I didn't got something and I've to say... Kadda, Carla and me were just making jokes the whole time^^
I got a present from today:) It was from my parents and there were some lovely things inside, for example pustefix:) But I'll not tell u more, because it's just for me :)
Thank you very much! I love you :**
I was at the doctor and she said I still have fever and sore throat... She gave me some medicaments and the best one is my cough-sirup, because it's tasting like strawberries :D That's so cool! I think it's the most funny thing of the whole day! :D
I had Maths and somebody said: "18?! That's a big number, we shouldn't use it before we're in grade eleven!" I really has liked to say: "Oh, I'll invite you in my Maths class in Germany!:)" ...18 and a big number... haha^^
I had the swimming test in Marine Studies today, but I didn't swim, because I'm still sick. So I've the chance to do it next week and then I'll be top-fit:) But this time I've been wet, too. It was because Niko and Nick gave me some "nice" water-hugs^^
We were in the little Shopping-Center behind the school for buying something blue for the swimmingcarnival tomorrow but I didn't got something and I've to say... Kadda, Carla and me were just making jokes the whole time^^
I got a present from today:) It was from my parents and there were some lovely things inside, for example pustefix:) But I'll not tell u more, because it's just for me :)
Thank you very much! I love you :**
I was at the doctor and she said I still have fever and sore throat... She gave me some medicaments and the best one is my cough-sirup, because it's tasting like strawberries :D That's so cool! I think it's the most funny thing of the whole day! :D
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Shoes :D
Today I still had some sore throat and I had to caugh but it was definitely better than yesterday, so I went to school this morning;)
In school there isn't just the uniform, you also have to wear the right socks and shoes... well I had my blue ones (which I really like, no, I love them:D) so far, but they told me that I've to buy some new shoes, black or white. So this morning I was wearing some old white shoes from Micheal... but there were more brown than white^^ So I bought some new ones after school this afternoon for... 5Dollars! haha I'm proud on me;D Now I'm a lady, because that are my first shoes I bought here, but they also were the cheapest ones^^ I think I just bought them for school, because I really love my "normal-blue-shoes" so out of the school, I'm not wearing them I think:D And: normally it's to hot for shoes like this :D
But tell me: Which one is nicer?!
In school there isn't just the uniform, you also have to wear the right socks and shoes... well I had my blue ones (which I really like, no, I love them:D) so far, but they told me that I've to buy some new shoes, black or white. So this morning I was wearing some old white shoes from Micheal... but there were more brown than white^^ So I bought some new ones after school this afternoon for... 5Dollars! haha I'm proud on me;D Now I'm a lady, because that are my first shoes I bought here, but they also were the cheapest ones^^ I think I just bought them for school, because I really love my "normal-blue-shoes" so out of the school, I'm not wearing them I think:D And: normally it's to hot for shoes like this :D
But tell me: Which one is nicer?!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Sickness, soul surfer & palms
Today I wasn't at school because I felt very sick:/ I was just laying in my bed for the whole day... There I was sleeping, eating and I watched a movie which was called "Soul Surfer" It's about a surfer girl who had a shark attack... But she didn't gave up and at the end she can surf again:) Whow... It's I don't know... first I thought it's one of the american films but it was an australian and I was crying and laughing at the same time:D:D So it's a realy nice movie:) Here is a link to the trailer;) Soul Surfer - Trailer and something else, it's a true story.
I don't want to be sick in Australia!:D That's so wrong!:D It's hot here and it's hard to feel when it's going to be better... So I just hope that I can go to school tomorrow;)
Ahh... and I did some photos of the palms around our house;)
I don't want to be sick in Australia!:D That's so wrong!:D It's hot here and it's hard to feel when it's going to be better... So I just hope that I can go to school tomorrow;)
Ahh... and I did some photos of the palms around our house;)
Today I was Body-Boarding with a Friend:) But the waves were so high, that it was very hard not to be pushed under the water^^ But it was very funny:D:D
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Sunshine Plaza
Today I slept longer as normal:) So Silja and me went to Plaza for lunchtime. There we had a Cookie-Drink and a Strawberrie-Smoothie:D I also bought my shorts today! YES!:D As we went back we missed the right bus, so we had to wait for half an hour^^ It wasn't a very interessting day but it was fun and we were happy at the end;)
We said that next time we probably go to Mooloolaba, because there we could also have a nice swim!:)
And we also ate some "Aussie Fries" ^^
P.S. I met a girl who is half an hour north of Sunshine Plaza. The joke was, that I also met her last time :D Haha, girls and shopping^^
We said that next time we probably go to Mooloolaba, because there we could also have a nice swim!:)
And we also ate some "Aussie Fries" ^^
P.S. I met a girl who is half an hour north of Sunshine Plaza. The joke was, that I also met her last time :D Haha, girls and shopping^^
Friday, February 3, 2012
For Anne :*
Dear Anne,
Today i had my first ... guess what it was!:D It was a.... tätärätäää... SURF LESSON!:) YES!:) It was sooo gorgeous!:) And i catched some nice waves, yeayy:)) *proud smile* hm...:) but it was very hard to walk through the water... because there were so many little waves and the water was very strong... but next time it will be easier, that's for sure;D I would really like to do it with you!:)
Looking forward to surf once together!:)
Love, Kad*
After we had a barbie:) and I played soccer and beat an Aussie!:D Muahaha:D (I'm sooo sorry Pearce^^) And Niko, I got it! I won! against 3! :D Now I've an "over night stay" or just sleepover with one of my international friends, Silja:) And she told me that I'm a "Marienkäfer"... ^^ well it's a longer story;D:D
Pictures of surfing are coming soon;)
*Kad= Mix of Kada+Kat ^^ :D
Today i had my first ... guess what it was!:D It was a.... tätärätäää... SURF LESSON!:) YES!:) It was sooo gorgeous!:) And i catched some nice waves, yeayy:)) *proud smile* hm...:) but it was very hard to walk through the water... because there were so many little waves and the water was very strong... but next time it will be easier, that's for sure;D I would really like to do it with you!:)
Looking forward to surf once together!:)
Love, Kad*
After we had a barbie:) and I played soccer and beat an Aussie!:D Muahaha:D (I'm sooo sorry Pearce^^) And Niko, I got it! I won! against 3! :D Now I've an "over night stay" or just sleepover with one of my international friends, Silja:) And she told me that I'm a "Marienkäfer"... ^^ well it's a longer story;D:D
Pictures of surfing are coming soon;)
*Kad= Mix of Kada+Kat ^^ :D
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Marine Studie Test ?
Today, in school we thought we have to do the marine studie test for boating and other stuff... So we went to the swimming pool... well there was no teacher and after a while we could imagine that we didn't have the marine studie test today.. so we went back to school^^ With half an hour to work something in the classroom... were the teacher was still waiting for us^^
So instead of doing the Marine Studie test I went again to beach this afternoon:D It was amazing and the waves were so high!:) I really liked it!:) AND... I found some lovely flowers^^
So instead of doing the Marine Studie test I went again to beach this afternoon:D It was amazing and the waves were so high!:) I really liked it!:) AND... I found some lovely flowers^^
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Every where the same
Well I think to leave the home is hard for everyone... not only for me...
"So jetzt bin ich schon bissl länger down under…ich dachte ja das Leben hier wird wenn die Schule erstmal anfängt spannender…ist es nicht. Eher deprimierdender. Ihr wisst alle das meine Freunde im Prinzip mein Leben sind und hier seit weder ihr noch irgendjemand anders. Es ist echt hart weil niemand auf einen zugeht also lernt man niemanden kennen und Sie lassen dich auch nicht an sich ran, ….hätte ich nie gedacht. Es gibt natürlich auch gutes hier unten aber meine momentane Stimmung lässt mich eher nur die negativen Aspekte sehen…macht euch aber keine Sorgen ich bin ein großes Mädchen ich schaff dass ;)" Caro
Whow!:) As i saw this, I just thought: Was it everywhere the same shitt?!:D I didn't wanted to post my feelings on the first few days because I didn't want that you fear for me. But know I can tell you how I felt the first days;) It was just like Caro said:/
But now... The time goes on and she posted something else...
"Heute war ein sehr geiler tag :) schule war ok ich hab jetzt paar Leute gefunden und ich bin jetzt auch mit den deutschen besser befreundet :) nach der Schule hab ich mich dann mit einem deutschen am Strand getroffen und haben dann auch noch die anderen getroffen …und juhu ich bin angebräunt :D hotpan Abdruck Is schon drin^^" Caro
Well... it is exactly the same:D I aslo was at the beach today and I think we also have the same way of life in the moment:) So, Caro, thanks a lot for telling this, it saved me a lot of time;)
But "Ihr wisst alle das meine Freunde im Prinzip mein Leben sind" so my freaky friends, I still miss you! :)
"So jetzt bin ich schon bissl länger down under…ich dachte ja das Leben hier wird wenn die Schule erstmal anfängt spannender…ist es nicht. Eher deprimierdender. Ihr wisst alle das meine Freunde im Prinzip mein Leben sind und hier seit weder ihr noch irgendjemand anders. Es ist echt hart weil niemand auf einen zugeht also lernt man niemanden kennen und Sie lassen dich auch nicht an sich ran, ….hätte ich nie gedacht. Es gibt natürlich auch gutes hier unten aber meine momentane Stimmung lässt mich eher nur die negativen Aspekte sehen…macht euch aber keine Sorgen ich bin ein großes Mädchen ich schaff dass ;)" Caro
Whow!:) As i saw this, I just thought: Was it everywhere the same shitt?!:D I didn't wanted to post my feelings on the first few days because I didn't want that you fear for me. But know I can tell you how I felt the first days;) It was just like Caro said:/
But now... The time goes on and she posted something else...
"Heute war ein sehr geiler tag :) schule war ok ich hab jetzt paar Leute gefunden und ich bin jetzt auch mit den deutschen besser befreundet :) nach der Schule hab ich mich dann mit einem deutschen am Strand getroffen und haben dann auch noch die anderen getroffen …und juhu ich bin angebräunt :D hotpan Abdruck Is schon drin^^" Caro
Well... it is exactly the same:D I aslo was at the beach today and I think we also have the same way of life in the moment:) So, Caro, thanks a lot for telling this, it saved me a lot of time;)
But "Ihr wisst alle das meine Freunde im Prinzip mein Leben sind" so my freaky friends, I still miss you! :)
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