Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Amazing similarities

Well... everybody know now that I'm afraid of thounderstorms :D:D  Because today we had a really big one at school... about half an hour just a lot of rain, lighning and thounder... and I think u know that I'm sooo  afraid of it! :D  And because of the wink-action of the schoolparade everybody is calling me cute now... and then I'm getting red... but I'm not cute, am I?! :D Well.. I also cooked Stir Fry in my food and hosibility class but I think I put to much honey in there... was a little bit to sweet ;) For my first assessment (for everybody who donesn't know what that is, have a look at wikipedia or just google it, I'm quite sure you'll find an explenation of it:D) in my englsih class which I finished today, I had to analyze a cartoon with 600 words (or more). For this I had to write an instruction, a value challange, the point of view of the author, the impact to different readers and of course a personal respose and a conclusion. I think althrough it is on english it isn't that bad, so I thank you teacher's in Germany for the training!:) Here's the cartoon I choosed:

It's also an amazing similaritie how much I love boxing in comparing with dancing:D so was boxing today and now I'm a memeber of it :)  I just love it, it's so much fun!:) In germany I never thought about join into a boxing groupe, but I loooooorve it!:))


  1. Tricky story... Needs quite some background. I cross the fingers for you made the assessment.

    1. Trickey daughter;)
      Don't care I'll do it:)
      ...hopefully ^^

  2. Boxing is great! :D
    haha, I´m afraid you´re going to beat me when you´re coming back xD

    and YES, you´re cute ^^

    Jacqueline ;)

    1. Haha:D
      Everybody will be afraid of me! MUAHAHAH:D:D
      Because: HINL HIKH :D:D
      can u remember?;) when not, just ask tim, he can help u;):D

      Thank u:) but I'm not cuute!:D:D

    2. o.O Can´t remember :D
      I gonna ask him ;)

      For SUUUREEEE you are xD

      :* Jacqueline
